Let Me
illustrate my pain
in someone’s mouth,
let them pray
my suffering,
out of their guts
and with their breath.
let them spit me out
of themselves,
of myself.
illustrate my pain
in a pair of hands,
let them break
my suffering
punched with their knuckles,
crushed with their teeth,
let them strangulate me.
illustrate my pain
in the unseen gaze,
to look away
from this suffering.
blank me up,
with closed eyes
as if I was non-existent.
let it stain me of void.
illustrate my pain
in someone’s snail ear,
those chinese whispers
mumble my name, as if
with verbal incontinence.
let it crawl me over,
all of me, no shame
of my nakedness.
those whispers despise me,
want to kill me.
illustrate my pain
on the reflection of a belly.
let it chew on its own thought,
peristalsis of ideas
not digested.
let the stomach be acid
and form the belly
of the hungry, the belly
of the lost.
let the intestine revenge
and forget what it ate.
But let me!
illustrate my pain
in a paper aeroplane,
let it take me away
from themselves,
from myself.