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trolled troll trolled
they cornered me under the bridge:
I’m a dog, am I? she said.
lee told me everything! said you and your mates
said I was a dog! and he’s finished with me now!
cos you and your mates were shit-stirring!
a lorry went over the bridge.
headlights swiped across her face.
you are a dog, I said
and the dark of the underbridge
gave way to a dark
that was redder
and knuckle-shaped
I’m trying to say she twatted me one.
she twatted me good,
under the bridge
and I stayed down
until her and her gang
left me alone.
I’d never met this “lee”
or her
and I don’t have any mates
to shit-stir with
but the underbridge was familiar
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